Daily Life of Istanbul Female Escort
I work in escorting job which I see as my profession As an Istanbul escort I always do it with pleasure and willingly. but there are many people who want to know what I do in the daily life of a luxurious Istanbul female escort. For those who wonder One day of my life, I want to share my experiences.
I want to start by specifying at first. I know that I have been tried by a hypocritical society who cannot accept escorting as a profession, and I want to state that.
In my profession, I introduce myself as Leyla. I am 27 years old and I am an Istanbul female escort with rules! I am a graduate of business administration, I have a master's degree and I speak two languages.

Istanbul Escort and Morning Spor.
Every morning during the week I start the day by exercising and due to my work I give great importance to my body. I eat healthy and take care of my body and care. My daily life is normal. I spend a few hours in the gym and work whenever I want. In addition to all the services offered, I follow the latest news, Sports, Economy, Cinema, Titayro and follow the news from the world.
That's why the people I accompany prefer me the most. Because I'm smart, I'm knowledgeable about everything and because I'm a crazy Istanbul escort who loves fun. I also decided to live in Istanbul as an independent escort because I love having sex and having fun.

Istanbul Escort and Outcall Escort Service.
As an Istanbul Outcall escort, I don't invite anyone to my home and go to anyone's home or office. This is my first rule, I never violate it.
Most of the people I accompany are great people, have high purchasing power and have to spend very little time on love relationships because of their busy workload It is usually middle-aged between 35 and 50 years. They are handsome and attractive, and most are well-meaning and respectful.
In addition to the sex session behind closed doors in the room. They may ask me to accompany them to an event or dinner as a luxurious Istanbul escort. To be the best in this business, you need to adapt to each person you accompany and that is essential.

Istanbul Independent Escorts and Services.
Of course, when it comes to sex, there are many escort options in Istanbul. But it's always important to please the person you accompany. As an independent Istanbul escort it is very important to know exactly what your partner wants.
Among the most requested are erotic costumes or striptease services. For example, in strip service, I can present myself as myself and emphasize my qualities, energies and tastes. I love this service because as an Istanbul escort I like to show my feminine weapons, femininity and sentimentality. Certainly, these are necessary conditions to please the people you accompany.

I will remain as a luxurious Istanbul escort as long as I am happy.
The result is that when the person I accompany is happy, I always find it incredibly exciting. I will remain as a luxurious Istanbul escort as long as I am happy.
